Guided Tour: Musical Tradition in Iași

The meeting point will be Unirii Square, in front of the statue of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, at 10:00 a.m. It is the place where Romania was born, to the music of Alexander Flechtenmacher, a music teacher from Iași during the time of the Union of the Principalities. We are heading to Eco Băcănia Happy, on Strada Lăpușneanu where you will be enchanted by the story of the soprano Haricleea Darclee.

Then, we head to the home and legacy of Enescu’s teacher, Eduard Caudella, who deeply influenced the evolution of music in Romania. The next stop will be the Student Cultural Center, where we will enter the vibrant world of brass bands and drummers, offered by Gheorghe Skeletti and Ovidiu Lipan Șăndărică. From here, we make a short stop at the TRAI Restaurant, which housed the Conservatory founded by Gavril Muzicescu, an emblematic place for aspiring and talented musicians.

The route will follow Cuza Vodă Street, the old commercial street or “Lipscani” of Iasi, then Miron Costin Square, in front of which stands the Balș House with the Eduard Caudella hall, George Enescu’s Italian piano teacher from Iasi during his childhood years.

We will pass in front of the Moldova Philharmonic where we will talk about the tradition of this institution, then on to the Iași National Theater and Opera, where classical music found a wonderful form of expression.

We will continue on the pedestrian Boulevard Ștefan cel Mare y Sfânt, where the public authority (City Hall, Finance, National Bank, County Council) stand face to face with the ecclesiastical authority (Mitropolis of Moldova, Catholic Episcopate, Three Hierarchs Monastery).

Our last stop will be the Catholic Cathedral “Holy Virgin Mary, Queen”, which is the traditional host of the opening of the Classix festival.

The Iași.Travel association was founded in 2019 in Iași and aims to promote Iași, train volunteer city guides and implement research and development projects in tourism.

Partners: Iași.Travel, Destination Iași

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