The Classix in Focus discussion series put into perspective a number of issues closely related *or not* to classical music in the contemporary context and in relation to a suite of constantly evolving paradigms. Their role is to facilitate artistic, educational, interdisciplinary and business collaborations, between those just starting out and professionals in the field, both from Romania and abroad.

The Future of Classical Music

Peter Tornquist, international composer and rector of the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, opened the discussion on a sensitive topic: the future of classical music.

  • What does classical music represent in today’s society?
  • To what extent the music universities shape the music industry?
  • What is the role of music education? How can one benefit from it, even if working in a different field?
  • Music studies – why should one choose folk music over jazz or classical?
  • The teaching methods still differ from one country to another. In what way Norway or Scandinavia are leading the way regarding student development?
  • International cooperation – in what projects can music universities enroll together?

Guest: Peter Tornquist

Moderator: Ovidiu Mihăiuc

Nordic Tourism

The conversation with the public and guests on cooperation and bilateral relations between Romania and Norway were initiated from the perspective of tourism, culture and management of these two components of the country brand.


Eilif Gundersen & Ana-Maria Bălan, Royal Embassy of Norway in Romania 

Ionuț Eriksen & Andreea Mitan, NOROCC – The Norwegian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce

Mihai Chirica, Mayor of Iași 

Cristian Turc, CEO

Mihai Bulai, Iaș

Crina Leon, Lect. dr. „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași 

Sorin Gheorghiu, Iasi Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

Andreas Sønning, Norwegian Academy of Music 

Dragoș Andrei Cantea, artistic director of Classix Festival 

Moderator: Dan Zaharia, Fab Lab Iași founder

Tuesday, 18 february 2020
Roznovanu Palace, Iași City Hall

Value Chains Between Culture, Authorities and Businesses

Andreas Sønning, director of the Telenor Cultural Program, gave a lecture specifically for students, UNAGE graduates, as well as practitioners and those interested, on the value chains between culture – authorities – enterprises.

Topics covered included:

  • What is music? What is musical communication? / Different roles for creative musicians.
  • How much power can music produce as a message or statement to the world?
  • Cultural preferences, concepts and values.
  • What benefits are there for either a small or large company to support a cultural programme?
  • Cross-over genres. How does classical music merge with folk, pop or jazz?
  • Is there a specific value set for companies that support culture or should the art industry only be supported by a certain type of companies?

Guest: Andreas Sønning

Moderator: Ovidiu Mihăiuc

Tuesday, 18 february 2020
Palace of Culture, Voivodes Hall

Concert Production and Creative Entrepreneurship

Andreas Sønning, director of the Telenor Cultural Program, gave a lecture specifically for students, UNAGE graduates, as well as practitioners and those interested in the topic of concert production and creative entrepreneurship.

Topics covered include:

  • Experiences from productions with intercultural communication.
  • Communication across artistic expressions and codes.
  • Experiences from a variety of “Integrated cultural programmes”
  • Implementing concert production and creative entrepreneurship in higher music education.

Guest lecturer: Andreas Sønning

Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Amphitheater of „George Enescu” University of Arts Iași

The Art of Living on Art

“The art of living in art” was the theme of the debate proposed by Mats Granfors: Finnish composer and producer, as well as a lecturer at the Novia University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

This open discussion session struck the sensitive chord of the arts: finance.

  • The new digital network for music.
  • How can we make a unique brand on the web?
  • Can we do online concerts? 
  • Could we use blockchain technology for royalties? 
  • How do we build strong international networks for young people?
  • How will musical instruments develop? The digital era.

Guest: Mats Granfors 

Moderator: Ovidiu Mihăiuc

Friday, 21 february 2020
Palace of Culture, Voivodes Hall

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