Classix in Focus :: Composing as a way of life
- Wednesday, 01.03.2023, 11:00 a.m
- Palatul Braunstein, Iași
The Classix in Focus discussion series puts into perspective a number of issues closely related *or not* to classical music in the contemporary context and in relation to a suite of constantly evolving paradigms.
The guests of this panel are:
- Martin Romberg - Composer in Residence at Classix Festival 2023
- Alexei Țurcan - Composer, Performer, Producer, Sound Engineer
- Paul Pintilie - Composer, Professor, Pianist
- Ștefan Diaconu - Arranger, Composer, Flutist
- Moderator: Ilinca Ghișoiu
The debate addresses topics such as: composition as a way of life, the potential and prospects of a career in this field, the art of composition, commissioned works, artistic integrity, and digital innovations in the field, musical arrangements, and more.
Entry to the event is free.
The panel will be conducted in English.