Esbjerg Ensemble performs classical chamber music with an uncompromising sense of quality, and is recognised for its innovative and versatile programming. The ensemble currently consists of ten passionate, expressive musicians from the four corners of the globe, all especially selected for their unique qualities. 

On the initiative of local forces and the Danish Ministry for Culture, Esbjerg Ensemble, the first professional chamber ensemble in Denmark, was founded in 1967. The ensemble has set the standard for chamber music in Denmark and has had an immense influence on the entire cultural scene in our region as well as throughout Denmark. 

Besides concerts in Denmark, Esbjerg Ensemble is often to be found gracing international stages – most recently through invitations to Bergen International Festival, Klangspuren Schwaz, Nordlichter Berlin, two major tours to Taiwan and regular concerts in Northern Germany, to name but a few. 

Esbjerg Ensemble receives funding from the Danish Arts Foundation and Esbjerg Municipality in addition to various funds.

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